SD 100 Corridor Preservation Project

The City of Sioux Falls and the South Dakota Department of Transportation are moving forward with a transformational project to complete the remaining stretch of Veterans Parkway from I-29 to I-90, specifically the South Veterans Parkway which from I-29 to 57th Street.  For more information regarding South Veterans Parkway refer to the web page at

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is continuing to move forward on a highway corridor that will somewhat parallel Interstate 229 (I-229) and be located at the outer edge of the City of Sioux Falls 2025 Growth Plan. This outer corridor, named South Dakota 100 (SD100), will be a 17-mile limited access highway beginning at Exit 73 (Tea Interchange) on Interstate 29 (I-29) and traveling in an east / northeasterly direction intersecting with South Dakota 11 at 57th Street. SD100 then travels straight north intersecting with Interstate 90 (I-90) at existing Exit 402 (Timberline Interchange).

Project Background:

South Dakota 100 (SD100) is a proposed new limited access principal arterial roadway around the City of Sioux Falls (City). Since 1995, the proposed Eastside Corridor project has been planned to address future transportation needs of the Sioux Falls area and, if constructed, is expected to become an integral component of the South Dakota Department of Transportation's (SDDOT) and City's transportation system. SD100 will serve regional trips and preserve the function and working performance of the future minor arterial and collector street system.

In 2000, the City assembled a Process Team to further address concerns of a future corridor along with identifying potential alignments. By the fall of 2001, with an alignment selected, the Process Team recommended a Build-Alternative to the Urban Development Commission (UDC). The UDC approved the Build-Alternative and the Process Team began preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) document. The Final Environmental Assessment for the Sioux Falls Eastside Corridor was approved on March 20, 2003.

Following the approval of the EA, the City of Sioux Falls and the SDDOT reached an agreement that transferred responsibility of the Eastside Corridor to the SDDOT. Following taking possession of the corridor, the Eastside Corridor became SD100. In October 2005, the SDDOT started preparing to begin preserving the Right-of-Way (ROW) for SD100. As the SDDOT progressed with conceptual analysis of the corridor, it was determined that modifications to the EA approved alignment were needed. In addition to the corridor alignment review, interchange alternatives at the intersection of 57th Street / SD100 and Interstate 90 / SD100 are also being analyzed.

SD100 Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Proposed 4(f) De Minimis Impact Finding Public Meeting Information

Project: P 0100(10)405, PCN 00T7, Lincoln and Minnehaha Counties
Location: SD100 from I-29/County Road 106 (Exit 73) to South of 26th Street and Cliff Avenue Fm N 60th St. north to Dike Place
Improvement Type: Corridor Preservation

Corridor Segment Layouts:

SD100 Segment 0: I-29 to SD 115 (Minnesota Avenue)

SD100 Segment 1: SD115 to Sycamore Avenue

SD100 Segment 2: Sycamore Avenue to SD42 (East 10th St.)

SD100 Segment 3: SD42 to I-90

Interchange Alternatives

Public Involvement

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has a long history of public involvement in the development of transportation plans and projects. The 2005 passage of the Safe, Accountable, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) requires a public involvement process. Public meetings for the project scope and/or design will occasionally be scheduled to collect public input, provide information and answer questions.

Public Meeting October 21, 2014

Public Meeting - November 22, 2011

Public Meeting - January 17, 2007
A public meeting was held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center on January 17, 2007.

Mark Leiferman
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