I-29 Exit 77 (41st Street) Crossroad Corridor Study

Reason for Study:

The 2010 Decennial Update to the Intestate Corridor Study determined that the I-29 Exit 77 (41st Street) interchange would be the most feasible interchange of the existing interchanges of South Dakota's Interstate System to target for improvement. The study also determined that much of the congestion experienced at the 41st Street interchange is more crossroad corridor related rather than Interstate or interchange configuration related. As such, the SDDOT and the City of Sioux Falls have recognized the need to conduct a study of the corridor's traffic operations and determine the feasibility of various improvement options along the 41st Street and Louise Avenue corridors.

Study Limits:

The study will examine the corridor's influence area. The routes to be studied follow 41st Street from Valley View Road to Kiwanis Avenue and Louise Avenue from 34th Street to 49th Street, and the ramps of I-29: Exit 77.

Final Report

  • Final ReportThiis is a 25.8 MB file and includes animations, let the entire document download before scrolling through - this may take 5 minutes or more depending on your computer and internet connection speed.

Public Involvement (The files under this heading contain the contents of Appendix B of the Final Report)

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has a long history of public involvement in the development of transportation plans and projects. The 2005 passage of the Safe, Accountable, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) requires a public involvement process. In accordance with the Department's public participation document, the I-29 Exit 77 (41st Street) Crossroad Corridor Study strives to keep the public involved with the study as much as possible. Public meetings for the study will occasionally be scheduled to collect public input, provide information and answer questions.

Public Meeting #1 - April 12, 2011

Public Meeting #2 - September 21, 2011

Public Meeting #3 - March 14, 2012

Business/Landowner Group Meetings

Given the commercial importance of the 41st Street and Louise Avenue corridors and the impact improvements along the corridors could have on businesses along the corridor, separate meetings with groups of business owners and landowners along the corridor will be held throughout the study.

To facilitate discussion within these group meetings and to keep them relative to each neighborhood, the study area has been divided into six Group Areas.

Study Advisory Team:

Given the importance of the corridor and the potential for future development within and east of the corridor's influence area, the SDDOT has established a study advisory team to help provide input from differing points of view. The study advisory team comprises of representatives from adjacent stakeholders interested in the future of the area. The study advisory team will meet throughout the study period.

Study Technical Memorandums

Study Background Documents

The SDDOT has retained HDR Engineering, Inc. to perform this study. For more information or comments, please contact:

Steve Gramm
Planning Squad Leader
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