State Planning & Research Program for Local Governments

The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) continues the requirement that the SDDOT set aside 2 percent of the apportionments received from the four federal transportation funding programs (the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP); the Surface Transportation Program (STP); the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP); and the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) Program) for transportation planning and research activities. This set aside program is titled the State Planning & Research (SPR) Program.

As the state highway system and local roadway systems are intertwined, the SDDOT has decided to allow a portion of these federal SPR funds be made available to administer transportation planning activities at the local level outside of the Metropolitan Planning Areas (MPO Areas). The SDDOT calls this program the State Planning & Research for Local Government Program, or SPR for Locals.

Transportation long range plans, area plans, corridor plans, revenue studies, economic impact analysis, maintenance studies, access management plans, and other planning types of activities can be conducted under this funding source. The SDDOT determines which planning activities to conduct through an annual application & award basis.

Final Reports of Completed SPR for Locals Studies
Available Programs


Ryan Johnson
Engineer III
Katrina Burckhard
Planning Engineer