Reference Information

The South Dakota DOT cooperated with the USGS South Dakota Water Science Center in sponsoring the Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5104, PEAK-FLOW FREQUENCY ESTIMATES BASED ON DATA THROUGH WATER YEAR 2001 FOR SELECTED STREAMFLOW-GAGING STATIONS IN SOUTH DAKOTA. The report is available online only at This report provides updated frequency information through water year 2001 at USGS gage sites across South Dakota. The analysis approach included looking at historic data for selected sites. In addition, impacts of differing periods of record on a waterway were reviewed to lessen the impact of high and low runoff years to the individual sites.

The South Dakota DOT sponsored a research project to update box culvert coefficients at the FHWA Turner Fairbanks Research Center. The project addressed box culvert issues as follows: inlet geometry of precast box culverts, optimum inlet edge geometry, effects of multiple barrel box culverts, effect of skew on box culvert performance, and effect of extended interior wall. The final report from FHWA is located at

The South Dakota DOT cooperated with the USGS in a study to evaluate factors affecting ice forces at bridges in South Dakota. Specifically, estimations for design ice strength and thickness based on newly measured and historical data were evaluated at various locations in South Dakota. SDDOT research report number SD98-94-F and the companion USGS report number WRIR 02-4158.

Reference Materials

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