News Stories

Complete Concrete Overcomes Complications to Bring New Life to Aging Infrastructure in Hot Springs, South Dakota - Western Builder Magazine July 2024

July 08, 2024
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is nearing the conclusion of the Hot Springs Urban Reconstruction project in Hot Springs, South Dakota. Located in the southwestern part of the state, the town has a population of approximately 3,500. Despite having a small population, Hot Springs is a popular tourist destination due to the springs and its proximity to other attractions like the Black Hills.Read the full article here

Construction crews working to improve technical roadways - Dakota News Now 07/05/2024

July 08, 2024
Summer tourism and traffic can be a lifeline for some communities, which is why a landslide cutting off Teton Pass Highway in Wyoming to begin the summer season caused concern and logistical issues. A temporary fix prevented some commuters from continuing to add roughly 90 miles to their commutes, but the delicate project is far from over. “Our plan is starting to take shape. There’s still a lot of moving parts on that plan, but what we want to do is get traffic back on the original alignment, r...

Sioux Falls diverging diamond officially complete - Keloland 07/02/2024

July 08, 2024
The 41st St. diverging diamond in Sioux Falls is officially complete. After two and a half years of construction, drivers can finally use the new diverging diamond at the intersection of I-29 and 41st St. “I would also like to thank the daily commuters that likely found a new route to work,” city of Sioux Falls director of public works Mark Cotter said.Watch and Read the full story here

New 41st Street diverging diamond interchange inaugurated - Dakota News Now 07/03/2024

July 08, 2024
On Tuesday, officials celebrated the completion of the diverging diamond interchange at 41st Street and I-29. Members from all levels of government applauded the project that was more than a decade in the making. After 2.5 years of construction, drivers in Sioux Falls are experiencing the diverging diamond interchange firsthand. “A lot of design, a lot of planning, a lot of effort went into this interchange, and now that it is all said and done, we can all celebrate that,” said Joel Jundt, SDDOT...

FAA Issues $187M in Airport Infrastructure Grants - AAHSTO Journal 06/07/2024

June 11, 2024
The Federal Aviation Administration recently awarded $187 million worth of grants to 90 infrastructure projects at 90 airports across 34 states. The projects are funded via the Airport Infrastructure Grants or AIG program to support improvements such as terminal expansions, baggage system upgrades, and runway safety enhancements. “These grants not only invest in the physical infrastructure of our airports, but also in strengthening safety and improving efficiency for travelers, and help the econ...