News Stories

Two Projects in South Dakota Win Regional America’s Transportation Awards - 07/31/2023

August 01, 2023
WESTERN BUILDER - Two South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) projects won regional awards in the 2023 America’s Transportation Awards competition, created by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), AAA, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The competition recognizes state departments of transportation (DOTs) for making a difference in their community, with each project falling into one of three categories: Quality of Life/Community Development, Op...

Eastbound Lanes on I-90 Near Sturgis to Open for Rally Traffic - 07/26/2023

July 27, 2023
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Interstate 90 near Sturgis is still under construction, but the eastbound lanes are expected to be open for the upcoming rally traffic. This stretch of I-90 has been under construction all summer forcing cars into two-way traffic. But with the rally approaching workers are pushing to make sure both sides of the interstate are open. “We’ve had over 40 days that have been impacted by the weather on that project, however, the contractor and our personnel have done very wel...

It's True, There are More Big Road Projects This Year - 07/26/2023

July 27, 2023
SIOUX FALLS (Sioux Falls Live) — It's not your imagination. There are more and bigger construction projects underway in the Sioux Falls metro this year than in the past. In fact, the volume of work is nearly three times as much as last year, said Harry Johnston, Sioux Falls area engineer for the South Dakota Department of Transportation. “And in the next five years it’s only going to get busier,” Johnson said during an interview at the SDDOT area headquarters in northwest Sioux Falls, which is u...

Department of Transportation prepares for another multi-day storm - Dakota News Now 04/04/2023

April 06, 2023
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) - For the South Dakota Department of Transportation, it’s been a long winter. As roadways like I-29 and I-90 closed on Monday and Tuesday, SDDOT snow plow drivers set out on their routes and began what will most likely be multiple days of 14-hour shifts pushing snow. Across the state, DOT drivers have had plenty of hours logged so far this winter. For drivers in areas such as Pierre and Aberdeen, it’s only been a few days since they were last out clearing road...

Rapid City weather closes airport, schools, offices - Keloland 04/04/2023

April 05, 2023
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KELO) — The snow isn’t stopping in Western KELOLAND and much of the state is under a blizzard warning. With road closures, slippery streets and blowing snow, law enforcement is urging everyone to stay off the roads. Another week brings another snowstorm to the Black Hills.The Pennington County Sheriff’s Office has reported several cars getting stuck and sliding off the road. But for the most part, people are staying home. Watch or read the full story here