Pavement Condition Monitoring

Pavement Condition Monitoring uses sophisticated equipment to collect digital data about road surface profile, rut depth, slab faulting, pavement strength, and videologging. These data are utilized in pavement design and management, structural adequacy for load limit posting, and planning for the annual highway needs analysis/construction program. This activity is also responsible for updating the Roadway Information System (RIS) resulting from physical changes to the state highway system from annual highway construction and maintenance projects. Key components to the RIS database are Mileage Reference Markers, Roadway Features, Intersection, and Pavement Condition Measurement.

Surfacing Log

The Surfacing Log is a detailed report about the pavement surface of each section of State owned highway and includes the following information; surface width, type of material used to construct each layer of pavement, year each layer of pavement was constructed, thickness of the each layer of pavement, type of material use for the base course, thickness of the base course, and years that surface treatments were completed for each section of State owned highway.

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Highway Log
Test Equipment


Derek Ferwerda
Engineering Manager I (Traffic Monitoring and Pavement Condition Engineer Manager)