Freight Plan

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) seeks to improve the movement of people and products, to encourage competition, lower the transportation cost of freight transportation, and to facilitate economic growth. The State Freight Plan will accomplish these objectives by identifying opportunities, trends, technology and by depicting and facilitating the planning and coordination process that will allow the Department to take advantage of the strategies identified in the plan.

The purpose of the South Dakota Highway Freight Plan is to guide improvement of South Dakota's overall freight system and support SDDOT's mission to provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

South Dakota Freight Plan

SDDOT Freight Plan Objectives

Safety and Security

  • Reduce the number of fatalities and serious injury crashes on freight corridors
  • Maintain rest area assets and explore the use Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology to enhance security


  • Maintain or improve connectivity between freight facilities and destinations
  • Monitor freight movements and travel time for bottlenecks and congestion on the Primary Highway Freight Network (PHFN)
  • Mitigate and maintain mobility of the freight system during natural disasters and extreme weather events
  • Use ITS technology to decrease delay and idle time for freight mover

Economic Vitality

  • Support freight decision-making through analysis, dissemination, and use of data and industry trends in the planning process
  • Support freight investments that enhance economic competitiveness


  • Maintain structure and pavement conditions on the state's preferential truck network and National Highway System (NHS)
  • Maintain auxiliary assets (signage, lights, culverts, guardrail, ITS infrastructure, rest areas, etc.) on the state's preferential truck network and NHS


  • Improve energy efficiency of freight movement and idle time to reduce greenhouse gas emission.


Steve Gramm
Planning Squad Leader
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