News Stories

Interstates; open doesn’t mean clear - KELO 107.9 12/18/2022

December 20, 2022
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. ( — Interstates in South Dakota opened Saturday. But the South Dakota Department of Transportation warns, open does not mean clear. The DOT says several sections of the interstates and most state highways are currently ice-covered, slippery, and have snow covered shoulders.Read the full story here

Kansas Providing Nearly $41M For Local Bridge Projects - AASHTO 12/16/2022

December 16, 2022
...Meanwhile, in South Dakota, the Bridge Improvement Grants or BIG program – established in 2015 – sets aside $7 million per year from funds generated by license plate fees to repair and replace aging local bridges. Local governments are required to pay a minimum of 20 percent matching funds and have three years to expend the grant, noted the South Dakota Department of Transportation, while counties must have a wheel tax and a five-year Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan to receive a grant. “T...

No travel advised for most of KELOLAND - Keloland 12/16/2022

December 16, 2022
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — As the winter storm enters its fifth day, no travel is advised due to blowing snow and slippery conditions on most South Dakota roads. As of noon Friday, Interstate 90 remains closed from Mitchell to the Wyoming border, while Interstate 29 remains closed from Watertown to the North Dakota border.  Craig Smith, Director of Operations with the South Dakota Department of Transportation, told KELOLAND News there was no estimate for when the interstates could reopen as wind...

"Longest Duration Snow Storm in 22 Years" SDDOT Mark Peterson talks Roads - KXLG 12/16/2022

December 16, 2022
The entire state of South Dakota was pounded by a massive winter storm dropping excessive amounts of snow across the state and making travel nearly impossible. Mark Peterson, Aberdeen Region Engineer with the South Dakota Department of Transportation, has had crews working around the clock to keep the roads safe. Peterson says a lot of roads are still closed…Listen and read the full story here

DOT sends out rescue teams to bring stranded drivers to safety - Keloland 12/15/2022

December 16, 2022
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Department of Transportation crews are rescuing stranded drivers in KELOLAND. Tonight the roads are so dangerous that no travel is advised across much of South Dakota and both interstates remain partially closed. But people are still driving even in the hardest-hit areas and some are getting stuck. Roads that appear to be drivable, quickly become impassable.Watch or read the full story here