Transportation Economic Development Grants
The South Dakota Department of Transportation has developed a grant program to foster economic development and enhance community access in South Dakota. The program has three categorical purposes.
- The Industrial Park grants will be made to any local unit of government for the development of new or expanded access for new industry located within industrial parks. Applications are due April 15, July 15, or October 15.
- The Agri-Business grants will be made to any local unit of government for the development of new or expanded agri-business industries. Applications are due April 15, July 15, or October 15.
- Community Access Grants are state funds for towns less than 5,000 in population and are for the construction or reconstruction of major streets in each town such as Main Street, the road to the elevator, schools, hospitals, etc. Applications are due July 15.
These programs provide for 80% of the construction costs of the project, not including engineering or utility work. Grant size is limited to $600,000 for Community Access and Agri-Business Grants and $500,000 for Industrial Park Grants.
Application Should Include
- Clear map showing the project location
- Engineer's Estimate
- Resolution of support from the local sponsor
Project Requirements
- Designed in accordance with the South Dakota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges
- Must comply with the American's with Disabilities Act
- Funds cannot be used for routine maintenance
- Must have plans and specifications stamped by a registered professional engineer
All grants will be based on the criteria developed by the Department of Transportation. The expenditure authority for the program will be determined by the Transportation Commission. All grants must be approved by the Transportation Commission and may be used to construct or reconstruct roads and streets in the community.
All aspects of these grant programs are outlined in the Fact Sheets and Policies for Industrial Park, Agri-Business Access, and Community Access Grant Programs.