Labor Compliance

The South Dakota Department of Transportation, as the contracting agency, has the responsibility and authority to monitor and enforce compliance with the labor provisions contained in the department's Federal-aid construction contracts exceeding $2,000 and in the non-Federal funded construction contracts where the award meets or exceeds $100,000. The labor provisions also apply to all related subcontracts of the Federal-aid and non-Federal funded highway construction contracts.

The Davis-Bacon & Related Acts (DBRA) labor provisions apply to all mechanics and laborers working on the site of the work. Contractors and subcontractors that have laborers and mechanics working on the site of the work must ensure that:

  1. The employees will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week; and

  2. The employers will not withhold unauthorized payments from the employees' wages [except payroll deductions permitted by 29 CFR 3]; and

  3. The payments shall be computed at not less than the wage rates contained in the contract for the actual types of work performed by the employees, without regard to skill; and

  4. Overtime compensation shall be paid at a rate not less than one-and-one-half times his/her basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week; and

  5. The full amount of wages and bona fide fringe benefits (or cash equivalents) due to the employees shall be paid to the employees within seven days following the end of each such work week.

For additional information, please visit: Federal Rules and Regulations 29 CFR Part 1, Part 3 and Part 5 (Federal Davis Bacon and Related Acts)

Any failure by an employer to compensate an employee for all hours worked at no less than the prevailing/required minimum wage rate, plus warranted overtime, should be reported to Dail Mollard, Labor Compliance Officer. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Elation Systems Webinar

The SDDOT and Elation Systems hosted a free joint webinar covering the basic use of the electronic payroll submission system (EPSS) through Elation System as well as possible compliance issues that may arise.

The webinar was interactive where both Elation Systems and SDDOT provided input on everything from entering employees into the system, selecting job classifications, fringe benefits, submitting payroll reports, compliance issues such as overtime/fringe benefits, hours worked (on and off project), hours worked on more than one project or multiple job classifications.

We demonstrated how to amend a certified payroll report, change weekending dates, and a multitude of other topics. The purpose of the webinar was to provide training, or just a refresher, to the contractors and subcontractors who submit electronic payroll reports to the SDDOT in an effort to help them navigate through the Elation Systems program with more ease and confidence and to provide more complete and accurate payroll data information.

To view the webinar please use link and Passcode below:

View the recorded webinar here   Passcode: 2=&b78QP 


Additional Resources

(Click to view more information on each topic below)

Certified Payrolls- let before 6/5/19
Certified Payrolls - let after 6/5/19
Defined Work Classifications & Wage Requirements
Bulletin Board Requirements



Dail Mollard
Labor Law Compliance Officer