Statewide Transportation Improvement Program – STIP

The STIP is a four-year program listing projects developed through the coordinated efforts of the Department of Transportation, Transportation Commission, state and federal agencies, local and tribal governments, metropolitan planning organizations, public agencies, transportation providers, citizens and other interested parties. The program identifies highway and intermodal improvements to preserve, renovate, and enhance South Dakota's transportation system.

The 2025-2028 STIP has been approved by the South Dakota Transportation Commission, the FHWA and FTA.

The 2025-2028 STIP Interactive Map depicts the location and type of improvement for the Department's major highway projects.

The STIP online 2025-2028:

To see the most current project list, which would include project revisions, choose a county from the first drop-down box (labeled county project listing). Use the navigation at the bottom of the page to scroll through all the pages available for that county.

To see a list of approved revisions to the STIP, choose a county from the second drop-down box (labeled county revision listing). Use the navigation at the bottom of the page to scroll through all the pages available for that county.

The information in the reports is updated each weekend and is the most up to date information available. Please note, if it is different, it will supersede the project information listed in the above report. You will need to click the back button on your browser to get back to the dropdown list.

County Project Listing

County Revision Listing

STIP Input/Suggestions:

The SDDOT begins the yearly update of the STIP in mid-March, however, we welcome your input year-round. If you have any suggestions you would like to offer concerning improvements to the state's transportation system, please direct them to Levi Briggs.



Levi Briggs
STIP Coordinator

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