Scenic Byways

The Scenic Byways Program recognizes those roadways which exhibit the State's unique character and beauty. Individuals, organizations and local governments may identify roadways with truly distinctive qualities and nominate them for State Scenic Byway designation. Routes which display scenic, archaeological, cultural, historic, natural, and/or recreational features are eligible for consideration. An application requesting the designation must be prepared with the approval of the affected local government(s). Applications are to be submitted to the Scenic Byways Coordinator. Decisions on the applications are made by the South Dakota Transportation Commission. Interested parties may contact the Scenic Byways Coordinator to receive an application package or they are available on-line:
Nomination Application

South Dakota has six designated State Scenic Byways. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) maintains maps and descriptions of many of those routes and others throughout the United States at: →

Officially designated State Scenic Byways are recognized by distinctive signs and are placed on reprinted State Highway Maps. Designated routes may be eligible to compete for National Scenic Byways recognition. The grant applications are coordinated through the South Dakota Department of Transportation and the designation decisions are made by the FHWA. The grant eligibility guidelines and the application forms are available on-line at the following FHWA link: →


Ryan Johnson
Engineer III