Construction Project Scheduled to Begin on S.D. Highway 34 in Colman

For Immediate Release: 
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Bridger Kraye, Project Engineer, 605-940-1879

COLMAN, S.D. – On Tuesday, March 18, 2025, construction work will begin on S.D. Highway 34 through Colman from west of 469th Avenue to the east city limits. During construction, traffic signals will be used to guide traffic through the work zone. Speed limits will be reduced and lane width will be restricted to 12 feet. Motorists should expect delays through the work area. Please stay alert for workers, equipment, and sudden slowing of traffic.

The project will include removal and replacement of cement concrete surfacing, as well as construct a three-lane roadway to aid in the reduction of rear-end crashes. This project includes grading, lighting, curb and gutter, storm sewer, and sidewalk. 

The prime contractor on this $10.3 million project is Hulstein Excavating Inc. of Edgerton, MN. The overall completion date for the project is May 2026.

Featured Project Page: 
Find additional information about this project on the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) website at

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