Press Releases

Culvert Reconstruction Project to Close U.S. Highway 81 North of Watertown

June 29, 2023
On Tuesday, July 11, 2023, construction is scheduled to begin on U.S. Highway 81 one mile north of Watertown. This project, which runs approximately one-half mile in length, will remove existing pipe culverts and place new precast box culverts at two locations on Highway 81.

Traffic Pattern Switch Scheduled for 41st Street DDI Construction Project in Sioux Falls

June 29, 2023
On Thursday, July 6, 2023, work is scheduled to begin on the south side of 41st Street to the east of Interstate 29.

SDDOT Encourages Public Engagement at Annual Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Meetings

June 29, 2023
Joel Jundt, Transportation Secretary, “We are always striving to improve our state’s transportation not only for the South Dakotans of today, but also for our kids and grandkids. When members of the public actively engage with our Department of Transportation, we can all work together to meet that goal.”

SDDOT Transit Office Earns Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grants Dedicated to Advancing Local Projects

June 29, 2023
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has received three grants totaling $2,603,378 to support local transit agencies’ buses and bus facilities. The communities impacted by these grants are Aberdeen, the Black Hills, Brookings, Huron, and Pierre.

Bridge Repair Project Scheduled on Interstate 29 South of Watertown

June 27, 2023
On Monday, July 10, 2023, the project is scheduled to begin in the southbound lane on I-29 at mile marker 159.