Codington County Receives Bridge Improvement Grant from South Dakota Transportation Commission - KXLG

{KXLG – Watertown, SD} The South Dakota Transportation Commission has awarded Codington County a Bridge Improvement Grant (BIG) as part of a statewide distribution of approximately $16.6 million. The grant, announced at the recent commission meeting in Pierre, is intended for the preservation, rehabilitation, or replacement of critical bridge infrastructure.

The Bridge Improvement Grant program, administered by the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), aims to enhance the condition of essential transportation assets, thereby improving safety, efficiency, and economic development throughout the state.

Codington County was among 17 recipients, which included one city (Sioux Falls) and 16 other counties. The grant was awarded from a pool of 53 applications, representing a total project cost of $78 million.

Like other eligible counties, Codington County is required to impose a wheel tax and maintain a County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan outlining proposed projects for the next five years to qualify for a BIG grant.

The BIG program is funded through a combination of license plate fees, non-commercial vehicle fees, and state highway funds. Approximately $15 million is made available annually, with additional funds reallocated from completed projects. For the 2025 grant cycle, the Transportation Commission awarded approximately $1.8 million in preliminary engineering grants, $1.7 million in preservation grants, and $14.9 million in replacement/rehabilitation grants, totaling $18.4 million.

Since its inception, the BIG program has awarded $182 million in grants to local governments. Codington County, like all recipients, is required to provide a minimum 20 percent match and utilize the grant funds within three years.

The next application deadline for the BIG program is Friday, August 1, 2025, for the Preliminary Engineering category.

For further information regarding the BIG program, Codington County residents may contact Doug Kinniburgh at 605-773-4284 or visit the SDDOT website at