Careers - SDDOT Scholarships

SDDOT will be offering the following engineering scholarships Fall of 2024:




Region Bridge Engineer


Aberdeen Region Office

Construction Engineer (2)


Huron Area Office

Construction Engineer (2)


Mobridge Area Office

Assistant Geotechnical Engineer


Pierre – Foundations Office

Foundations Engineer


Pierre – Foundations Office

This year scholarships will be available to students in their sophomore, junior, or senior year. The total financial assistance will be capped at $16,000 with a maximum payment of $4,000 per semester.

A sophomore receiving a scholarship would be allowed some latitude on what semesters they would like to receive their assistance, again, capped at $4,000 per semester, four semesters.

Scholarship Details:

  • Remain working for DOT for at least 12 months per semester of assistance regardless of the amount of assistance taken per semester.
  • Remain in the specific position hired into for the term of the scholarship agreement.
  • Maximum assistance of $4,000 per semester, four semesters total.
  • Remain a full-time student – 12 credit hours per semester.
  • Receive a 2.5 GPA for each semester during which they are receiving assistance.
  • Complete education within:
    • 12 months for students entering their 4th year.
    • 24 months for students entering their 3rd year.
    • 36 months for students entering their 2nd year.
  • Work full-time as an Intern with DOT in an engineering related position between school years.

Scholarships will be opened to all engineering students attending accredited colleges/universities.   

Each student receiving financial assistance will be required to sign the DOT’s Tuition Reimbursement Agreement. 


CONTACT COURTNEY STORM, SDDOT Recruitment Program Specialist

Courtney Storm | Recruitment Program Specialist 
Department of Transportation
Phone: 605-910-4548