Dec. 19, 2024:
On Monday, Dec. 23, 2024, the westbound lanes of Interstate 90 at exit 406 (Brandon) are scheduled to be reopened. The traditional traffic configuration (two eastbound and two westbound lanes) will be in place throughout the winter months. It's anticipated that this traffic configuration will remain in place until phase two work begins in Spring 2025.
The traffic diversion on S.D. Highway 11 over the bridge at exit 406 will continue to have one northbound and one southbound lane open until the bridge is completed.
Access to businesses between exit 406 and Ash Street will remain as right turn-in and right turn-out only.
The remaining work on phase two of the project consists of completing the on-ramps and off-ramps, as well as the reconstruction of the eastbound lanes of I-90. The bridge at exit 406 and the bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad will also be completed in phase two. Work is scheduled to resume in April 2025.
Dec. 2, 2024:
Oct. 15, 2024 – Nov. 15, 2024, Completed Work: The remainder of phase one pavement has been completed on Highway 11, with temporary pavement markings and traffic signage. Phase one of the large block wall under the railroad bridge is complete and girders are set. A majority of the topsoil has been completed.
Anticipated work Nov. 15, 2024 – Dec. 15, 2024: Grading and topsoiling planned to be completed for all of phase one construction. The remainder of temporary traffic control signs will be completed. The railroad bridge will have deck and barrier curbs completed. The completion of pavement tie-ins to the railroad structure will be completed. The westbound I-90 lanes are to have pavement markings and open to traffic for the winter months.
Nov. 7, 2024 - Press Release:
Beginning at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, 2024, the eastbound and westbound lanes on Interstate 90 will be temporarily closed and traffic will be diverted through the on and off-ramps at exit 406 at Brandon. This traffic diversion will be maintained through the overnight until approximately 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024. This traffic pattern switch is being scheduled to remove the old exit bridge.
Traffic on S.D. Highway 11 will be maintained during this overnight traffic diversion. Flaggers will be posted to guide Highway 11 traffic, as Interstate traffic will have priority. Dependent upon work progression and completion, motorists should be aware that evening lane closures and traffic diversions may occur on four consecutive overnights at this location.