Standard Plates

The South Dakota Department of Transportation Standard Plates are available only in U.S. Customary units. Drawings are not always drawn to scale; use the dimensions on the drawings for correct measurements. Every effort has been made to assure their correctness. If there are any discrepancies between these standard plates and other contract documents, Section 5.4 of the specifications will govern.

For general information or if you have comments or wish to make changes to a standard plate, please make a copy of the standard plate showing your revisions and send it to Randy Brown, 700 E. Broadway Ave., Pierre, SD 57501 or by email noted below. 

Standard Plates →

The South Dakota Department of Transportation, Office of Project Development provides the Standard Plate web site and its services as a convenience for its customers and disclaims all warranties relating to the Standard Plate Web site and the information contained herein, whether expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, functionality, data integrity, or protection. The South Dakota Department of Transportation will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to the use or misuse of the Standard Plate web site and the information contained herein, even if the SDDOT has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The person or entity using the Standard Plate web site and the information contained on it bears all risk as to the use and application of this information. Furthermore, the SDDOT does not guarantee that the Standard Plates, the Standard Plate web site, or data will be operating or available at any given time. Use of this system and its data is at the user's own risk. The Standard Plate web site is provided as a service and convenience to the Public and is setup at the discretion of SDDOT. This service may be discontinued with no advance notice by the operators or service to users discontinued for abuse or misuse of the system.
Viewing Standard Plates
The annual Standard Plate Update will be published during the month of May each year. All plates published as part of the annual update will state 1st Edition of the proceeding calendar year and should be incorporated into construction plans for any project bid August 15th or later. 

Warranted revisions or additions to the 1st edition plates may be released at any point between annual releases at the discretion of the Standards Engineer. These revised or added plates will include a 2nd Edition (or 3rd, etc.) label and should be incorporated into construction plans as soon as practical.  A brief description of all standard plate revisions since the time of the last update are also available for viewing. 
Standard Plates in Plans
The standard plates may be downloaded and included in the plans. Instructions on how to create plans sheets with standard plates is available in the Office of Road Design's CADD Procedures Manual under "Supplemental Information - Electronic Plans (How to create a PDF)", page 4.

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Drew Miller
Standards Engineer
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