Fuel Price Index

The index numbers shown in the chart are four-week averages.

Each week the Department will record the average wholesale price for No. 2 fuel oil (diesel), regular unleaded gasoline, and propane (LPG), Freight On Board (FOB) South Dakota terminals, as listed in the "Oil Price Information Service" (OPIS) publication.

The Current Fuel Index price for motor fuels and burner fuel to be used for each progress payment will be the average for the recorded wholesale fuel prices for the four most recent weekly reporting periods available at the time when the progress payment is prepared.

The Base Fuel Index price for motor fuels and burner fuel to be used in the contract will be the average of the recorded wholesale fuel prices for the four most recent weekly reporting periods prior to the week of the bid letting.

As Of: Diesel: Unleaded: Propane:
03/20/2025 238.23 241.83 96.17
03/13/2025 237.09 236.85 100.55
03/06/2025 238.21 235.88 104.39
02/27/2025 238.75 234.41 106.83
02/20/2025 239.18 233.68 106.50
02/13/2025 241.45 232.06 106.52
02/06/2025 241.78 230.84 107.80
01/30/2025 237.49 226.61 106.73
01/23/2025 234.94 223.51 103.70
01/16/2025 229.91 219.83 97.55
01/09/2025 225.61 215.27 90.54
01/02/2025 225.30 214.74 86.93
12/26/2024 221.79 211.48 85.90
12/19/2024 222.91 209.86 86.64
12/12/2024 223.47 209.35 86.61
12/05/2024 224.53 207.89 86.35
11/28/2024 229.40 211.09 86.14
11/21/2024 229.24 214.42 85.77
11/14/2024 230.26 218.65 85.08
11/07/2024 232.94 225.61 84.80
10/31/2024 236.17 232.04 84.98
10/24/2024 239.16 235.28 84.80
10/17/2024 239.90 237.92 83.80
10/10/2024 239.43 241.11 82.85
10/03/2024 234.62 239.96 80.91
09/26/2024 233.60 241.04 79.98
09/19/2024 235.66 243.12 81.72
09/12/2024 237.05 241.33 83.40
09/05/2024 242.56 245.50 85.14
08/29/2024 245.65 253.69 86.13
08/22/2024 247.62 259.40 86.16
08/15/2024 250.96 266.56 86.19
08/08/2024 251.07 268.82 86.53
08/01/2024 251.76 266.77 87.76
07/25/2024 256.17 266.72 89.73
07/18/2024 257.19 265.45 90.42
07/11/2024 257.40 264.46 90.24
07/04/2024 255.50 262.37 89.33
06/27/2024 246.88 257.97 85.65
06/24/2024 244.46 255.79 84.13
06/13/2024 242.65 255.52 82.47
06/06/2024 242.70 258.00 80.59
05/30/2024 248.11 261.37 80.76
05/23/2024 250.31 263.61 80.63
05/16/2024 255.04 267.09 81.93
05/09/2024 261.55 269.31 83.99
05/02/2024 267.46 272.76 86.55
04/25/2024 273.37 274.36 88.88
04/18/2024 274.48 272.64 90.19
04/11/2024 276.78 272.20 90.69
04/04/2024 277.91 270.26 89.32
03/28/2024 278.01 267.17 88.53
03/21/2024 276.79 263.87 88.71
03/14/2024 274.80 256.36 89.75
03/07/2024 274.84 250.51 93.92
02/29/2024 273.78 244.60 96.67
02/22/2024 268.54 237.83 98.90
02/15/2024 259.41 232.75 99.34
02/08/2024 248.63 224.22 97.71
02/01/2024 242.12 217.21 95.12
01/25/2024 244.04 214.14 90.27
01/18/2024 248.99 212.40 85.88
01/11/2024 256.23 215.68 81.53
01/04/2024 257.03 216.30 77.86
12/28/2023 256.75 215.18 77.10
12/21/2023 262.22 218.68 76.47
12/14/2023 265.28 219.43 76.11
12/07/2023 275.70 224.81 75.90
11/30/2023 283.99 231.42 74.92
11/23/2023 291.10 233.16 75.43
11/16/2023 300.04 238.33 75.80
11/09/2023 330.63 250.79 78.01
11/02/2023 341.68 255.82 79.50
10/26/2023 347.15 263.83 80.58
10/19/2023 355.77 276.63 82.22
10/12/2023 341.48 282.40 82.56
10/05/2023 349.76 301.26 84.88
09/28/2023 351.98 326.82 85.88
09/21/2023 346.59 330.26 84.88
09/14/2023 340.03 327.38 83.04
09/07/2023 331.87 320.22 79.66
08/31/2023 332.62 308.31 79.29
08/24/2023 330.55 309.59 80.39
08/17/2023 323.78 317.39 80.46
08/10/2023 312.81 315.91 80.56
08/03/2023 297.39 308.22 77.74
07/27/2023 283.82 300.60 72.83
07/20/2023 272.07 293.00 69.54
07/13/2023 269.48 292.58 67.27
07/06/2023 266.09 290.54 65.73
06/29/2023 266.79 294.37 67.70
06/22/2023 268.19 294.31 68.65
06/15/2023 268.66 296.60 72.02
06/08/2023 274.15 299.83 75.59
06/01/2023 278.95 296.67 78.47
05/25/2023 274.89 289.53 81.84
05/18/2023 276.59 283.85 83.94
05/11/2023 280.77 281.58 86.94
05/04/23 287.26 288.09 90.19
04/27/23 298.42 297.65 93.97
04/20/23 298.17 297.83 94.56
04/13/2023 293.42 294.31 92.81
04/06/2023 282.18 280.44 89.35
03/30/2023 280.97 275.48 89.19
03/23/2023 285.87 275.60 90.47
03/16/2023 285.93 272.68 92.27
03/09/2023 292.28 277.42 95.29
03/02/2023 295.26 276.68 95.65
02/23/2023 296.49 275.51 96.94
02/16/2023 307.47 283.55 101.28
02/09/2023 314.65 286.49 104.64
02/02/2023 317.72 285.53 105.11
01/26/2023 315.36 280.77 103.54
01/19/2023 312.83 272.82 100.00
01/12/2023 305.30 261.20 95.64
01/05/2023 303.26 251.60 93.69
12/29/2022 298.81 242.39 91.77
12/22/2022 300.83 239.00 91.76
12/15/2022 314.27 238.06 94.60
12/08/2022 335.16 246.01 98.49
12/01/2022 362.61 266.01 103.54
11/24/2022 382.97 284.07 106.31
11/17/2022 399.05 300.15 107.20
11/10/2022 418.02 309.38 106.35
11/03/2022 427.57 309.59 104.98
10/27/2022 429.32 313.21 104.62
10/20/2022 417.04 316.72 103.49
10/13/2022 390.14 322.36 105.72
10/06/2022 371.24 324.87 110.01
09/29/2022 363.34 313.32 113.24
09/22/2022 370.26 300.98 118.43
09/15/2022 384.89 288.87 121.61
09/08/2022 393.06 288.10 121.22
09/01/2022 388.91 294.98 121.02
08/25/2022 381.90 301.60 121.08
08/18/2022 375.65 310.77 120.68
08/11/2022 377.24 317.57 122.32
08/04/2022 388.20 326.38 123.86
07/28/2022 405.75 348.13 123.88
07/21/2022 415.40 374.30 125.39
07/14/2022 431.57 394.38 126.52
07/07/2022 445.80 413.92 127.41
06/30/2022 450.97 432.35 130.78
06/23/2022 453.38 434.34 131.87
06/16/2022 439.26 426.58 132.06
06/09/2022 419.51 410.82 132.95
06/02/2022 408.78 387.96 132.87
05/26/2022 411.96 371.58 134.13
05/19/2022 427.08 363.23 136.06
05/12/2022 432.05 356.91 137.88
05/05/2022 431.28 351.61 139.53
04/28/2022 411.93 339.95 139.69
04/21/2022 394.80 333.67 143.80
04/14/2022 398.62 335.93 148.85
04/07/2022 386.60 330.35 148.13
03/31/2022 385.24 333.71 154.37
03/24/2022 375.87 335.01 156.42
03/17/2022 346.03 321.93 155.30
03/10/2022 328.01 311.52 155.82
03/03/2022 307.79 297.57 149.72
02/24/2022 290.42 283.69 147.64
02/17/2022 284.39 276.52 144.12
2/10/2022 280.00 272.20 143.13
02/03/2022 273.96 267.77 142.75
01/27/2022 266.87 259.12 136.87
01/20/2022 259.29 250.90 133.48
01/13/2022 252.81 241.67 128.75
01/06/2022 246.25 233.60 123.61
12/30/2021 242.42 229.97 119.45
12/23/2021 236.51 224.10 116.43
12/16/2021 237.58 228.37 120.00
12/9/2021 239.65 231.72 123.35
12/2/2021 241.96 233.92 133.29
11/25/2021 248.68 242.81 142.77
11/18/2021 250.54 245.65 147.10
11/11/2021 255.02 250.21 154.16
11/4/2021 258.64 254.09 155.12
10/28/2021 260.47 254.56 158.06
10/21/2021 259.56 251.71 159.40
10/14/2021 254.08 247.04 155.83
10/07/2021 248.78 246.11 152.07
09/30/2021 243.04 244.46 143.26
09/23/2021 238.96 245.59 136.21
09/16/2021 236.63 249.73 131.04
09/09/2021 231.09 248.43 127.54
09/02/2021 229.80 252.79 126.47
08/26/2021 228.13 255.66 124.27
08/19/2021 229.07 257.31 122.87
08/12/2021 231.10 258.90 119.95
08/09/2021 231.11 257.16 118.37
07/29/2021 229.90 254.09 118.17
07/22/2021 227.79 250.22 118.27
07/15/2021 228.09 249.09 116.96
07/08/2021 225.93 243.33 113.63
07/01/2021 226.11 240.38 110.10
06/24/2021 225.16 237.24 105.44
06/17/2021 222.64 232.97 101.22
06/10/2021 221.14 231.41 97.64
06/03/2021 220.30 229.95 94.38
05/27/2021 219.26 229.22 91.87
05/20/2021 217.86 228.33 90.74
05/13/2021 215.18 225.91 88.33
05/06/2021 212.03 224.47 86.49
04/29/2021 207.60 221.28 87.14
04/22/2021 203.85 219.26 89.57
04/15/2021 202.76 219.43 93.34
04/08/2021 203.15 218.77 97.70
04/01/2021 211.12 222.37 100.28
03/25/2021 220.94 224.32 105.15
03/18/2021 225.26 224.75 124.66
03/11/2021 223.50 221.10 148.26
03/04/2021 213.20 209.66 153.37
02/25/2021 199.77 198.44 149.42
2/18/2021 189.09 186.63 129.30
02/11/2021 181.43 176.77 106.99
02/04/2021 176.66 171.90 101.91
1/28/2021 172.65 166.81 98.56
1/21/2021 170.08 162.55 95.73
01/14/2021 169.20 158.84 88.80
1/7/2021 168.18 154.71 80.42