South DakotaDepartment of Transportation
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Concrete Pipe Release
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Traffic Incident Management
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South Dakota EV Fast Charging Plan
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Approved Products
Approved Products
Approved Products →
The South Dakota Department of Transportation has an Product Evaluation Procedure to evaluate products which may be used on the departments construction and maintenance projects.
Materials identified on the approved products list do not require a certificate of compliance unless the need for such a document is specifically identified in the material requirements or by specifications. Materials on the approved products list will be re-evaluated on an as needed basis. In addition to materials on the list meeting certification requirements, they can also be inspected and/or tested to verify conformance to the specifications. Any materials presently on the list and subsequently failing to conform to the certification and specification requirements can be removed at any time. Be advised, it is not necessary for a product to be on the approved products list (unless otherwise specified). If the product meets the specifications outlined in the project plans there is no reason it could not be used as long as the necessary certification documents are provided. It than becomes the vendors responsibility to make contractors aware of the product and market it accordingly. The department has placed many of the products on the list because of past knowledge of their use and history of excellent field performance on our projects.
Some products may or may not be evaluated depending on where they fit in with our states uses of them in the construction and maintenance areas.
If you would like to request an evaluation for a new product by SDDOT, print a SDDOT Product Evaluation Request and fill out as completely as possible. Send any additional information such as product brochures, test reports, certificates of compliance, etc., that you feel are pertinent to the evaluation of the product to the address shown on the application. Each product evaluation form will be looked at individually and the sender will be notified of the outcome at the completion of the evaluation.
Please do not submit any samples at this time. Should laboratory testing be needed you will be contacted and the samples requested.
The South Dakota Department of Transportation has an Product Evaluation Procedure to evaluate products which may be used on the departments construction and maintenance projects.
Materials identified on the approved products list do not require a certificate of compliance unless the need for such a document is specifically identified in the material requirements or by specifications. Materials on the approved products list will be re-evaluated on an as needed basis. In addition to materials on the list meeting certification requirements, they can also be inspected and/or tested to verify conformance to the specifications. Any materials presently on the list and subsequently failing to conform to the certification and specification requirements can be removed at any time. Be advised, it is not necessary for a product to be on the approved products list (unless otherwise specified). If the product meets the specifications outlined in the project plans there is no reason it could not be used as long as the necessary certification documents are provided. It than becomes the vendors responsibility to make contractors aware of the product and market it accordingly. The department has placed many of the products on the list because of past knowledge of their use and history of excellent field performance on our projects.
Some products may or may not be evaluated depending on where they fit in with our states uses of them in the construction and maintenance areas.
If you would like to request an evaluation for a new product by SDDOT, print a SDDOT Product Evaluation Request and fill out as completely as possible. Send any additional information such as product brochures, test reports, certificates of compliance, etc., that you feel are pertinent to the evaluation of the product to the address shown on the application. Each product evaluation form will be looked at individually and the sender will be notified of the outcome at the completion of the evaluation.
Please do not submit any samples at this time. Should laboratory testing be needed you will be contacted and the samples requested.
- In conjunction with the AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement for the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), the SDDOT will determine crashworthiness of roadside safety hardware. When submitting a roadside safety hardware product for evaluation, please refer to SDDOT's process for determining crashworthiness, which includes information regarding necessary submittals. For additional information regarding MASH crashworthiness of temporary work zone devices, refer to SDDOT MASH Implementation for Temporary Work Zone Devices.
- Earth Retaining Structures and Systems:
- The SDDOT only uses proprietary retaining structures and systems that are on the Approved Products list (link above) for Earth Retaining Structures & Systems and will state on the plans which ones are acceptable, not all structures or systems will be allowed on all construction projects.
- New structures or systems must be reviewed for AASHTO compliance. A proprietor interested in having a structure or system reviewed will need to submit a Product Evaluation Request (link above).
- A checklist to facilitate the submittal process can be found here: Prospective proprietary wall system applicants are expected to provide supporting data for all applicable checklist items. Incomplete submissions will be returned without review.
- The submittal will be reviewed by both Bridge Design and Materials & Surfacing and notification will be provided in writing. If favorable, the product(s) will be added to the Approved Products list. Changes to any products may need re-approval to remain on the list.
-Certification & Accreditation
About Certification & Accreditation
SDDOT Accreditation Certification List
Approved Products
Manuals & Documents
Welding Certifications
Bid Letting Information
Concrete Pipe Release
Prequalified Contractors
CMS Web Reports
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Fuel Price Index
+Labor Compliance
+Engineering/Design Services
Bulletin Board Requirements
Certified Payrolls- let before 6/5/19
Certified Payrolls - let after 6/5/19
Davis-Bacon Wage Requirements and Defined Work Classifications
Preconstruction Meetings
Price Adjustment Guidelines
+Standard Specifications
Subcontract Requirements
Forms & Documents
Alternative Contracting
+Consultant Services
Downloadable Files
News & Updates
Right of Way / Relocation Assistance
Standard Bid Items
Standard Plates
Utility Coordination
About Environmental
Endangered Species
Environmental Assessments
Wetland Mitigation
+Local Governments
About Local Governments
Bridge Improvement Grants
City/County Fund Balances
Emergency Relief (ER)
Federal Bridge Program
Forms & Documents
Secure Accounts Billing
Transportation Economic Development Grants
Urban Systems
Rural Access Infrastructure Fund Program
+Traffic Incident Management
© 2025 State of South Dakota. All Rights Reserved.
South Dakota Department of Transportation
Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
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© 2025 State of South Dakota. All Rights Reserved.
South Dakota Department of Transportation
Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Becker-Hansen Building
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Powered by:
Modern Logic
Modern Logic