Traffic Data

Traffic Monitoring provides for the collection, retention and analysis of data, which indicates the volumes, classification, weights, speeds and other characteristics of motor vehicles that traverse South Dakota highways and streets. This information is necessary for assessing pavement life, pavement design, geometrics, and safety analysis. Traffic movement data is collected at over 7,500 locations throughout the state. In order to maximize data collection efficiency, sampling techniques and automatic recording equipment are utilized whenever possible.

The traffic monitoring section produces the following reports:


How to Navigate the Interactive Map Below

  • Click on the ‘Open this map in a new window’ link in the top banner to expand the map.
  • Use the '+' and '-' buttons or the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out on the map.
  • Zoom in to see local roads.
  • Click on roads in the map to see a popup with additional traffic information.
  • Click on the About button in the upper right for more information on navigating the interactive map.

Non-State Trunk Count Location Data – Open Data Portal

This downloadable dataset shows traffic count locations and annual average traffic counts on non-state trunk roads.




Jeff Brosz
HPMS/Traffic Studies Specialist