Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

In accordance with the requirements of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities.

Request for Special Accommodation
If a person needs a special accommodation due to a disability, a request for special accommodation may be submitted to the SDDOT ADA Coordinator. SDDOT has developed a Request for Special Accommodation form (PDF file) that may be submitted for this purpose.
Complaint/Grievance Policy, Procedures, and Forms
SDDOT has a grievance procedure to allow individuals to express concerns about SDDOT's compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and Title II of the ADA. The grievance procedure may be used by anyone alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, or programs by SDDOT. The South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources' Personnel Policy governs employment-related complaints of disability discrimination.

Grievances should be submitted to SDDOT in writing within 30 days of the alleged violation and should contain detailed information concerning the alleged discrimination. SDDOT has developed an ADA Grievance form (PDF File) that may be submitted for this purpose. SDDOT will accept grievances that are not in writing if necessary to accommodate a disability. The following information should be provided when filing a grievance:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number and e-mail address, if any
  • Location
  • Description of any alleged incident
  • Description of any physical barriers to accessibility
  • Suggested changes or improvements to achieve accessibility
Grievance forms can also be obtained by contacting:

June Hansen
Civil Rights Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator
CallEmailDirectionsMore Details
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Telecommunication Relay Service for the Deaf: 1-800-877-1113
Fax Number: 605-773-4442 

South Dakota Department of Transportation
Office of Legal Counsel, Civil Rights Program
If the grievant disagrees with the decision of the ADA Coordinator, he or she has the right to file a formal complaint with the South Dakota Division of the Federal Highway Administration by contacting:

Federal Highway Administration
CallEmailDirectionsMore Details
116 East Dakota Ave
Suite A
Pierre, SD 57501
Toll-Free: 1-800-597-7719
Fax: 605-224-1766
Grievants also have the right to file a formal complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice:

U.S. Department of Justice
CallDirectionsMore Details
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf: 1-800-514-0383

Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights - NYAV

If a Transit complainant disagrees with the decision of the ADA Coordinator or wishes to file directly with a federal agency, he or she has the right to file a formal complaint with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) by contacting:

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
(888) 446-4511
CallMore Details
File a complaint by completing the FTA complaint form (PDF). The complaint form should be emailed to with "FTA complaint form" included in the subject line.

Alternatively, complaints may be mailed to: 
Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights Attention: Complaint Team East Building, 5th Floor – TCR
200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590

With your form, please attach on separate sheet(s) or include in the body of your email:

  • A summary of your allegations and any supporting documentation.
  • Sufficient details for an investigator to understand why you believe a public transit provider has violated your rights, with specifics such as dates and times of incidents.
  • Any related correspondence from your transit provider.

If you have questions on how to prepare a complaint, please contact our toll-free civil rights hotline at (888) 446-4511.

Updates to SDDOT ADA Transition Plan
Title II [28 CFR §35.150(d)] of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires public entities that employ more than 50 people to adopt a transition plan and to evaluate their compliance with the legislation. The State of South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has reviewed and continues to review the accessibility of its facilities, programs, services, and activities by persons with disabilities with respect to the public right-of-way.

The department is implementing the improvements to the public right-of-way in phases. The first phase is devoted to achieving compliant curb ramps and pedestrian push buttons within the SDDOT's public right-of-way. The scope of the listed projects is limited to installing curb ramps where there are no ramps, improving accessibility of existing curb ramps, and ensuring pedestrian push buttons are accessible. The SDDOT will subsequently update its ADA Transition Plan to address the remaining pedestrian facilities such as walkways, obstructions or barriers in the pedestrian access routes, and other potential barriers to people with disabilities along pedestrian access routes in the SDDOT's public right-of-way.

A copy of the current ADA Transition Plan update and list of planned projects:
ADA Accomplishment Report - 2015 Edition
In order to keep the public informed on the process the SDDOT is making on the ADA Transition Plan, the department will periodically post updated accomplishment reports on the two main areas of emphasis: public rights of way and building facilities. The following are the 2015 accomplishment reports:
Current Priorities
SDDOT's ADA Transition Plan addresses the public right-of-way on the state highway system. The SDDOT assessed sidewalks, curb ramps, and intersections along state controlled right-of-way within urban areas. The SDDOT conducted various task force and stakeholder meetings to assist with the completion of the self-evaluation and the development of a transition plan. The SDDOT identified and prioritized eight primary areas of concern:
  1. Installation of curb ramps where none currently exists and is necessary to provide access to existing walkways or pedestrian crosswalks.
  2. Modification or installation of new pedestrian push buttons at existing pedestrian crossings where push buttons exist but are not currently accessible to disabled persons (i.e. height/distance barriers or lack of a traversable path to access the push button).
  3. The removal of barriers in the public right-of-way or the modification/addition to the traversable area around obstructions.
  4. Replacement or repair of walkways or sections of walkways that are no longer traversable due to structural deficiencies. A structural deficiency is a surface that is broken up, rough, or heaved, with changes in elevation of greater than a quarter of an inch.
  5. Modification of existing non-compliant curb ramps.
  6. Replacement of existing sidewalk in the public right-of-way that may still be traversable but is currently not ADA compliant.
  7. Installation of walkways in the public right-of-way to provide access to state/local government offices and facilities, transportation, places of public accommodation, employers, and connections to walkways serving other areas.
  8. Installation of detectable warning devices (truncated domes) to existing curb ramps that are structurally compliant.

Self-evaluation and assessment of the public rights-of-way data is available upon request from the SDDOT ADA Coordinator.

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June Hansen
Civil Rights Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator
CallEmailDirectionsMore Details
700 E. Broadway Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Telecommunication Relay Service for the Deaf: 1-800-877-1113
Fax Number: 605-773-4442 

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