‘Thaw Enforcement’ is newest name for Aberdeen plow - Aberdeen Insider

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Highway maintenance worker Bryan Owens, right, runs through some of the equipment inside a state Department of Transportation snow plow with Chris Hayden, one of the winners of this year’s snowplow naming contest, which is sponsored by the SDDOT. Hayden was at the DOT office on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Aberdeen Insider photo by Elisa Sand.

As one who is always on the lookout for obscure things, Chris Hayden said the state’s snowplow naming contest captured his attention.

He came across the contest a few years ago and first encouraged his wife to try the contest with her kindergarten class, but as they were just starting to recognize letters in their names, she wasn’t sure they’d be up to the task. So, he said, he took up the challenge himself and tossed a name in the mix for the 2022-23 contest. He wasn’t selected then, but continued with annual submissions and his persistence paid off. He was of the nine winners selected this year. His name, “Thaw Enforcement” is now on the windshield of one of the 22 plows used in the Aberdeen region.

The contest has been held now for five years.

Other selected plow names are:

  • Belle Fourche Area: Salty
  • Custer Area: Płowy
  • Huron Area: Plowabunga
  • Mitchell Area: Clear-a-patha
  • Mobridge Area: Polar Plow
  • Pierre Area: Capital Drift
  • Rapid City Area: Albert Icestein
  • Sioux Falls Area: Fast and Flurrious
  • Watertown Area: Hans Snowlo
  • Winner Area: Thaw Patrol
  • Yankton Area: Catch my Drifts

Hayden is the instructional technology specialist at the Center for Statewide E-learning at Northern State University and also works part time at the K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library. He and his wife moved to Aberdeen in recent years from South Carolina, but both have lived in various states.

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State highway maintenance worker Bryan Owens, left, stands with Chris Hayden of Aberdeen, this year’s winner of the snowplow naming contest. His winning name was Thaw Enforcement. Aberdeen Insider photo by Elisa Sand.

Hayden was invited to the State Department of Transportation’s Aberdeen area regional office on Tuesday, Feb. 18 where he got his first look at his name along the top of the windshield of the plow driven by Bryan Owens. Owens also took some time to showcase the plow and the technology inside, including the cameras installed that watch weather, road conditions and traffic.

Each plow has the capacity to hold about a third of a semi-load of salt with about 200 pounds of salt dispersed per lane along a mile stretch, according to DOT officials.

Owens said the maximum speed he can go while spreading salt is 30 miles per hour and discourages other drivers from passing the plows. Drivers are safer behind the plow, he said, but if several cars end up behind him he will look for a safe place to pull over and allow cars to pass.

For those looking for Thaw Enforcement, Owens has a set route from Aberdeen on south Highway 281. As always those hitting the road should check 511 for current road conditions. This includes not only state highways, but county and tribal roads as well.