Branding and Identity Guidelines

Our branding and identity guidelines are the foundation to communicating SDDOT’s message consistently, professionally, and with purpose. Please abide by the following usage guidelines for SDDOT's logos and branding assets.

SDDOT Branding Guidelines "At-A-Glance"

  The Logo 

The logo is the most visible and valuable of our brand’s assets. It can stand alone or be used in conjunction with other identifiers. It is most appropriate for general correspondence, flyers, internal business documents, reports, and presentations.

The logo should not be used for formal contracts or on official government forms. 

The Logo Files

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  The Wordmark

The Wordmark is slightly more formal than The logo. The wordmark should be used for formal contracts and on official documents. 

Do not use the Wordmark next to the headline text that also says “South Dakota Department of Transportation.” It also is not usually appropriate for social media.

The Wordmark Files

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  The Icon

The Icon is most appropriately used as an accessory branding item that further strengthens brand awareness of the SDDOT.

It should never be used for formal contracts, official business documents, or on official government forms.

The Icon Files

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Kids' Activity Packets


     Work Zone Kids .PDF                  SnowPlow Packet . PDF



Safety Posters and Winter PSA Flyer

By clicking the buttons below, you will have access to safety messaging posters to hang around the office.

Download the posters and use them as a reminder of the different hazards workers face throughout the year.




Internal SDDOT Employee Branding Resources




Questions about branding? 

Julie Stevenson
Strategic Communications Coordinator
Bret Mattice
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Taylor Brusven
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Andy Hansen
Communications Specialist

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