Meade County - U.S. Interstate 90 Exit 37 (Pleasant Valley) to Exit 40 (Tilford)


Project Summary:

The purpose of this project is to reconstruct the Interstate 90 eastbound lanes from west of exit 37 (Pleasant Valley Road) to the railroad multi-plate and the westbound on-ramp and eastbound off-ramp at exit 40 (Tilford) due to the pavement condition. This will also include replacing the interchange at exit 37 (Pleasant Valley Road), PCC surfacing, and replacing all the pipe within the project limits under the EB lanes. Additionally, a new Tilford Port of Entry will be constructed including a new building, new parking lot, and new E-Screening infrastructure.


Project Photos:

November / December 2022:
(L to R: Asphalt and Concrete Paving on WB I-90, Paving the WB Acceleration Lane at Exit 37, Pouring the Columns of the Center Bent for the new Bridge at Exit 37)


October 2022:
(L to R: Exit 37 Ramp B Prepared for Pavement, Pouring the walls of the box culvert, Port of Entry building footings)

September 2022:

(L to R: Exit 37 Ramp B Grading, Removing a 3-10'x10’ box and Replacing with a 10’x20’ box,  Exit 37 Ramp C Grading)


July 2022: 
(L to R: Exit 37 Ramp B Grading, Pile Driving Exit 37 Bridge Center Bent, Pouring the footing for the Exit 37 Bridge Center Bent)


Project Plans:

Exit 37 Reconstruction, Eastbound Interstate 90 Grading and Paving, Commercial Vehicle Electronic Screening System, and New Port of Entry Building.

Exit 37 Reconstruction with new bridge overpass, exit ramps, and realignment of Pleasant Valley Road


  • Replace the aging overpass structure
  • Extend exit ramps for additional capacity
  • Increase safety with reduced skew of Pleasant Valley Road

Replacement of the Port of Entry


  • Replace the aging port of entry building
  • Building improvements to allow for more thorough and sheltered inspections
  • New pavement surfacing and markings to improve site function

Contract Amount:

$35 Million

Project Contacts:

Complete Concrete, Inc. dba
Complete Contracting Solutions

Jason Baker



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