Irene - S.D. Highway 46 from U.S. Highway 81 to Irene
Project Summary:
This project is a 12-mile-long full reconstruction of S.D. Highway 46 in Yankton County. The project begins at the U.S. Highway 81/S.D. Highway 46 intersections and ends at the west edge of the city of Irene. Work on this project will consist of full roadway grading, structure replacement, culvert replacement, interim surfacing, intersection lighting at U.S. Highway 81/S.D. Highway 46, and new permanent signing.
During construction, the highway will be closed to through traffic. Access to residents and landowners adjacent to the project will be maintained, but travelers are encouraged to use the signed detour route around the project. The detour route around the project includes S.D. Highway 19 to U.S. Highway 18 and U.S. Highway 81.
Project Photos:
2023 Photos: