I-190 Corridor / Silver Street Interchange Study in Rapid City

Reason for Study:

Given the aging I-190 structures with low clearance at the Silver Street interchange in Rapid City, the South Dakota Department of Transportation has targeted the interchange for replacement. This study is to evaluate options for the future of the interchange, and possibly for the entire I-190 corridor.


Study Limits:

The study will examine the I-190 highway corridor and the influencing arterial and collector roadways. The primary route to be studied follows the I-190 corridor from SD44 (Omaha Street) to I-90, and includes all ramps and ramp intersections along the corridor, emphasizing the Silver Street interchange.

Public Meetings

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has a long history of public involvement in the development of transportation plans and projects. The 2005 passage of the Safe, Accountable, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) requires a public involvement process. In accordance with the Department's public involvement plan document, the I-190 Corridor / Silver Street Study strives to keep the public involved with the study as much as possible. Public meetings for the study will occasionally be scheduled to collect public input, provide information and answer questions.

Public Meeting #1 - May 27, 2010

Public Meeting #2 - March 29, 2011

Public Meeting #3 - September 14, 2011 (Reunión Pública # 3 - 14 de septiembre 2011)

Public Meeting #4 - June 11, 2013 (Reunión Pública #4 - 11 de junio 2013)

Study Documents


Study Technical Memorandums

The SDDOT has retained HDR Engineering to perform the study. For more information or comments please contact:

Steve Gramm
Planning Squad Leader
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